Statistics with Stata
Stata is a powerful statistical and data management software package. For more details, go to: The distributor in Australia is Survey Design and Analysis, based in the ACT:
Listed below are a number of Stata programs (ado files) and related materials which are freely available for download. These programs are also available from the SSC archives in Boston, and downloadable within Stata using the ssc command (type "help ssc" inside Stata for more information). In addition, this site has some other materials not available from the SSC archives: some JEdit code and some materials for the -tabout- program, including a tutorial. There is also an article which illustrates how to do basic programming with matrices.
tabout : is a Stata user command to export publication quality cross-tabulations to a text file or to other applications, such as Word and Excel.
tabout version 3 is now available in beta. Version 3 is a major update to version 2 and was released in December 2016. Version 3 enhancements include:
~ New output styles: for Word and Excel
~ Table titles and footnotes
~ Dropping columns and reshaping of tables
~ Template files for ease of use
~ Easy creation of dynamic documents
tabout version 3 has a dedicated website: where you can download the program and a comprehensive user guide.
tabout version 2 is still the "official" release, available from the SSC Archives or from this site (below). This is version (2.0.8), and requires Stata 9.2
Download the ado file: tabout.ado
Download the help file: tabout.hlp
Download a detailed and comprehensive tutorial with examples of tables and the syntax to produce them: tabout_tutorial.pdf
Download an Stata example do file (for tab-delimited output):
Download an Stata example do file (for LaTeX output):
Download ancillary file, top.tex (for LaTeX output): top.tex
Download ancillary file, bot.tex (for LaTeX output): bot.tex
tabstatout: command to export -tabstat- results to a tab-delimited text file (as discussed in the Tabout Tutorial)
Download the ado file: tabstatout.ado
figout: ancillary command to facilitate the creation of Stata graphs from tabout tables. Requires Stata 8.2
Download the ado file for figout: figout.ado
Download the help file for figout: figout.hlp
decomp: command to compute Blinder-Oaxaca wage decompositions
Download the 3 ado files: himod.ado; lomod.ado; decomp.ado
Download the help file: decomp.hlp
latab: command to export -tabulate- results in LaTeX format (now superseded by -tabout-)
Download the ado file: latab.ado
Download the help file: tabstat.hlp
latabstat: command to export -tabstat- results in LaTeX format (partly superseded by -tabout-)
Download the ado file: latabstat.ado
Download the help file: latabstat.hlp
Stata JEdit integration: code for a JEdit macro to copy and paste selected text to a file ( which can then be run inside Stata
Download the bsh file: stata_jedit.bsh
Article on programming with matrices: [download]